VinylMaster is a digital download software only, meaning that a disc is not sent out as the manufacturer does not provide us with CDs. Downloads will normally save to your downloads folder, unless you specify another location.
For example if the cutter cuts a 1 inch or 25mm square at 0.5 inch or 12.5mm then (half size) then set the Units to 80 units per mm. DRIVERS US CUTTER MH721 FOR WINDOWS 7 X64 DOWNLOAD. Trial by Error You can experiment with a 1 inch or 25mm square and adjust the units accordingly. with links to free updates (downloads), each specific products website. Find the USCutter software, drivers, plugins and guides you need to set up your vinyl cutter. Set this to 100.0 units per mm and try a test cut. A lot of folks with a USCutter edition of VinylMaster CUT (free with a cutter). USCutter Software, Drivers, Plugins and Guide Downloads. Cutter/Printer support with USCutter drivers included and access to thousands more. text, images, gradients etc.) Text and Curve tools. Contour Cutting Wizard plus Print & Cut from two or more devices. You can open the Vinyl Spooler from the File (menu) > Cut/Plot > Vinyl Spooler. VinylMaster CUT includes the following tools and features.
VinylMaster V5 LTR V5 PRO V5 DSR V5 Pay over time (monthly) 11.61 (12 months) 21.92 (15 months) 36. VinylMaster V5 CUT V5 LTR V5 PRO V5 DSR V5 List Price (MSRP) 59: 129: 299: 499: Subscribe (monthly) N/A: 8.95 : 14.95: 24.95 New Licenses Pay Over Time. Half Scale Errors (cutting at around 50% or half size) For scaling errors where the cutfile cuts at around half of the design size, this can be corrected in the Vinyl Spooler. MSRP for all USCutter editions of VinylMaster Software New Licenses. If you have a cutter that works in 1000 units per inch then set the Device's units per mm to 39.37 and try a test cut. The industry default is 40.0 units per mm.

In the window that comes up, select Units (on the left side), and then adjust the Device Units per mm. to work with vinyl cutter/plotters on Mac and Windows.
When you have the Vinyl Spooler open (press F2) or click the Cutter (menu) > Configure Cutter. VinylMaster PRO is vinyl cutter software for professional sign makers and shops and is dedicated sign making software for cut and creating and designing logos, shapes, lettering, decals, stickers and import/export AI EPS SVG PDF JPEG TIFF etc. You can open the Vinyl Spooler from the File (menu) > Cut/Plot > Vinyl Spooler. Large Scale Errors (10% or more) Large scaling errors can be corrected in the Vinyl Spooler. Small Scale Errors (10% or less) For small scaling errors, use the Cutter Scale (utility) in the Vinyl Spooler under the Calibration tab that will assist you to set the correct scale. In other words the units per inch or per mm, set in the cutter are different to the units set in the Software.